Contact us with any queries:
Contact Us: Boutiques and Alpaca Sales
Quintessence Breeding Center, Mill & Boutique:
Parcela 14 La Estancilla,
Llay Llay, V Región, Chile
English & Spanish Cell:+56 9 329 89 291
Mon-Fri: By appointment only from 10.00-13:00 / 14:30 -17:00
Saturday : By appointment only from 10:00 to 13:00
Sunday: CLOSED
(Please call to schedule your visit cell:+56 9 329 89 291 )
You will be able to find a small selection of our yarns and fashions at :
Airport International Arturo Merino Benitez. Departures
Aiken Lanas de la Patagonia
Arturo Prat 480, Coyhaique, Chile
Hotel Jahuel, San Felipe
El Taller de Maria, Temuco
For more locations near you please contact us.
Quintessence sells yarns, toys and fashions in different locations in Chile and Europe. Please contact us for a locations near you.
Quintessence vende hilados, juguetes y modas en diferentes partes de Chile y de Europa. Contactenos para màs informaciòn.
Alpaca Sales and Exports
Ma. Herlinda De La Garza
Parcela 14 La Estancilla, Casilla 73,
Llay Llay V Región Chile
Tel: +56 9 329 89 291

Alpacas are friendly, ecological and owners of one of the finest fibers in the world!

Schedule a tour and come and meet our alpacas!

Visit our Glorious Fibres Mill! Where we process only the best natural fibers.

Visit our vertical process. This is our weaving studio.

We have a large collection of the softest and most luxurious natural fibers and blends available in Chile.

Quintessence Boutique where you can find a large variarity of garments and accessories made in Chile with 100% the best baby alpaca fiber!

How can we help you?